Early Metrics is an independent organization that assesses the growth potential of innovative companies. Early Metrics is focused in French and European startups, with the aim of providing a means of notation adapted and readable by our investors, our prospects and our customers.
This rating agency doesn’t rely solely on financial criteria. In addition to the market and the content of the project, the quality of the management team is one of the three “pillars” on which the rating is based. In all, about fifty criteria were examinated during the analysis of the agency which delivers in the end a report and a note on 100.
Highly rated startups can use it as a communication tool to gain credibility in their ecosystem and increase their visibility but also as a quality guarantee of their solutions and their growth strategy. Apizee was rated by Early Metrics for the first time in 2017, where we made an entry in the ranking directly in the top 8% of 1500 startups to follow.
This year, we have again been rated and we move up to the upper echelons of the ranking since with a score of 81/100, we are now part of the top 5%.
The perceived strenghts of the analysis made by Early Metrics include the strong expertise of our co-founders, the innovative nature of our solutions and our progress in the target markets.
The entire team is pleased and wishes to thank Early Metrics for this recognition. We will continue our efforts to maintain upswing and continue to offer quality solutions to our current and future customers. In addition, Apizee has just crossed the milestone of the first million euros of turnover over one semester confirming its business growth.
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