With Apizee’s help Crédit Agricole has been able to

The digital agency at Crédit Agricole selected Apizee to improve customer interaction through web-based videoconferencing. This provided an environment where clients feel more comfortable and where online banking services have become innovative and convenient. The solution includes web-based text messaging, audio and video calls. This has given a human touch to a digital customer relationship.
Web sites have become fully-fledged customer relationship management devices. However, many people don’t want to lose the human contact they have had with their personal adviser. This is particularly true in the banking sector, where digital bank agencies are thriving but often struggle to help clients in a personalized way.

Apizee online meetings: « just as in any typical branch »
Apizee has fulfilled customer expectations for convenient and personalized “human” online services. The text messaging and videoconference solution enables innovative online communication: conversations can start by chat then seamlessly move on to video calling or screen sharing. This provides for a richer interaction.
For a financial adviser and the client, online meetings are just as real as physical face to face conversations. Screen sharing, for example, lets the adviser share a contract proposal and help a client subscribe to an offer or fill in a digital form. The environment allows the adviser to maximise his value-add.
The meetings classed as « just as in a branch » convinced Credit Agricole Normandy to contract Apizee
At the beginning of 2016, Credit Agricole Normandy launched the new version of its digital banking website: Normandie Direct. Mickaël Kuc, head of digital at Credit Agricole Normandy explained: « Each of our online bank adviser manages his own customer portfolio in a very personalized way, just as in any traditional branch. Because of this we really wanted to offer our customers as many communication channels as possible. Thanks to Apizee, we’re offering a videoconference capability that is reassuring to our customers”.
Each of our online bank adviser manages his own customer portfolio in a very personalized way, just as in any traditional agency. Because of this we really wanted to offer our customers as many communication channels as possible. Thanks to Apizee, we’re offering a videoconference capability that is reassuring to our customers.
Mickaël Kuc, Head of Digital at Credit Agricole
As of today, 7 advisers manage hundreds of customer accounts and are available for videoconference-based meetings thanks to Apizee.
« Integrating Apizee to our digital banking website was simple and straightforward. No IT server needed to be deployed, everything being hosted by Apizee. A major asset compared to the solution we used previously, which had us operate and maintain a dedicated server within our data center.” Commented Mickaël Kuc. The bank’s developers integrated Apizee in a matter of a few days. Branch personnel have readily adopted the tool in no more than half an hour.
Michel L’Hostis, Apizee co-founder and CEO, adds: “With our solution, bank branches achieve two goals at once: they embrace the digital revolution and differentiate from competition with modern communication tools. They go beyond online banking pure players by providing their customers with remote and convenient services that preserve human contact.”
We should note that Apizee is already supplying ten other Credit Agricole regional banks with solutions, proving once again their value-add for the financial sector.