Plein Vent e-marketing use case :

Plein Vent is a tour operator offering various formulas. They chose the IzeeChat solution from Apizee to improve their Customer relation on their web channel. With 500 000 page views per month, 7 Plein Vent advisers handle inquiries from clients and advise daily their visitors in real time. IzeeChat helped to reduce significantly their Hotline incoming calls and optimize inquiry processing time.
Features :
- Chat distribution between advisers with implementation of an ACD (ACD : Automatic Chat Distributor).
- Limit the number of conversations per adviser : When the number of simultaneous conversation for one adviser exceeds the limit set, he doesn’t receive other chat until after the number insn’t inferior to the limit.
- If advisers aren’t available, the chat window isn’t proposed to visitors with the aim of assuring an appropriated service level when the chat service is offered.
Solution allows the service to be more reactive
IzeeChat gives possibility to respond quickly to customers in real time via audio and video communication or instant messaging. Inquiry processing time is so reduced and satisfy their needs.

Incoming calls have been reduced
Apizee provides customers a new mean of communication by the integration of chat module. Call centres will be relieved and advisers will be more available.

Testimony of Sabrina Pierron, Webmarketing Manager for Plein Vent
Plein Vent, Tour operator for 35 years, offers high quality touristics products at the best prices with a strong will to provide guarantees and security to their clients.
Sabrina Pierron, Webmarketing Manager, explains to us her point of view about the customer relation at Plein Vent :
« The customer relation at Plein Vent rests on 2 main pillars : Reactivity and quality of service. Today we have 7 employees who handle inquiries from clients. These inquiries were historically handled via our phone hotline.
The implementation of IzeeChat solution from Apizee stimulated our volume of requests by our web channel and our marketing and reservation team respond now to the requests in real time via our website : the Apizee interface is simple and accessible, our advisers can handle several conversation simultaneously and we display in real time our visits as well as the clickstream of net users.
The Apizee solution helped us to increase considerably our conversation rate by capturing a new flow and by offering a direct and personnalized contact : our advisers use the chat, audio calls and even the videoconference with some clients.
Without doubt, the presence of IzeeChat on our reservation website reassures visitors during their purchase and boots our sales via our web channel which constitute now a strategic tool for Plein Vent ».
The Plein Vent project was executed in partnership with the PCV agency