Eco counter izeelink use case
Customer cases

Eco counter use case

04/07/2017Web Master
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Eco counter is the worldwide leader in monitoring pedestrians and cyclist in urban and natural environment. Around 8000 counters are installed in different 40 countries worldwide. Eco counter have 3 main offices. In Montreal ( Canada ), Hong Kong ( China ), and main head office is in Lannion ( France ).


Use of Izeelink : Eco counter has been using solution from company Apizee “Izeelink” from a while and now they are now one of Apizee’s partners.


Izeelink is a internal real time communication solution based on WebRTC, in which you can interact with your co-workers through video, text or voice. The videoconference supports up to 4 people at the same time. You can see if your colleagues are online and with just one click you can invite them for a video conference.


Benefits for “Eco Counter”
Activity : As for now eco counter have 3 differents offices located in 3 differents part of the globe. It is difficult for the enterprise to communicate with each other. According to Severine Bernard, Marketing Manager of Eco-counter “We know solutions for video calling where you can send chat messages and can make video call. When I turn on my computer my software is running but it doesn’t mean I’m in front of my computer”.

Interview of Severine Bernard



When it comes about presence information “The advantage of having Izeelink is that your picture is refreshed every one minute. So you know exactly if the person is at his desk or not”.

Easy usage: Usage of Izeelink is really simple. You can see the number of users on one side and your picture on other. You can see the online appearance of all the members of the company and you know who is available. You can see if the person is on.


Sharing moment:  Imagine companies like Eco counter which have employees over the world and half of them never even know each other. Sharing birthday or simply sharing your coffee break with all your co-workers over the world.


Cost saving: Eco counter have offices in Canada and Hong Kong and using izeelink for communication with other employees located in different part of world is really cost effective. Izeelink is cost saving for company by reducing money spend on expensive phone call or installing expensive tools for video conference. Izeelink is convenient for Eco counter staff and it’s effective as a internal communication solution to reduce the response time of phone call, E mail, Video conferencing software.


Impact on company: Izeelink has changed the behavior of people in the company and their way of communication. People know when the others are busy and when they can contact them. “One of the interesting thing about Izeelink is that if someone is making a call or talking to someone, We can see and try not to contact the persone at that time” According to Christophe Milon, CEO of Eco counter.


Increase productivity: Izeelink provides a common platform where all employees can communicate together easily from WebRTC browser without any plugin or software. It makes them easy to present their idea, In other word all the team of eco counter is “connected at all the time” According to Christophe Milon. He further added and explain the advantage of Izeelink on his company in easy word “It allows us to keep the quality of a team of five , even when you’re 50”.


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